Now, change gears for a minute. Imagine with me that you didn’t know anything about God, the Bible, Christianity, the Church, spiritual matters, faith, etc. Your mind is a blank slate. Then someone comes to you and says, “Here’s a book entitled ACTS. Read it fifty times and then write a 2 page summary of what the CHURCH is supposed to look like and how it is supposed to function.”
Know where I’m going? Yeah!!! The question now is this: Would your “CHURCH” look anything like it looks now or would it completely be different?
That’s an incredibly powerful question that deserves some serious thought. Seriously – would our typical Sunday morning worship service be what you’d come up with? Would your summary of the church look like what goes on each week in the average church?
I tend to believe that it would be WAYYYYYYY different! I would really love to know how you think the church would be different. I’m not doing this to see who’s reading this or not. I seriously want to get some feedback about how churches can get back to the LEGIT basics. Pass this blog link on to your friends and let them respond. Email your responses to me at bryan@fbcsaltillo.org
I’ll compile the list of all the responses and post them word for word in the next blog for us to see.
Maybe it’s time for God to revive His church.
Maybe it’s time for a new church in a new year!!
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