Friday, December 2, 2011

The Refreshing Sound Of Profanity

I realize you're already not fond of this title but stay with me.

Nearly all of my life, I've lived in a "bubble." I grew up in the "Bible Belt", in a Christian home, went to church, went to a Christian college, went to a Christian grad school, and have spent nearly all of my adult life working in a church or other Christian environment. For Pete's sake, I bet our dog is even a Christian! Ha! You see, I've been in my "safe" little Christian bubble. Chances are that maybe your life isn't too much different huh?

Recently, I've been very intentional about trying to break out of the "bubble" and really spend time with people that aren't like me. I've taken a risk at leaving my comfort zone. I've stepped off the ledge. Some of you may think I did that a long time ago! Ha!!

In a recent 5 month vacation from my bubble, I've been in small group settings and even in one-on-one conversations with individuals that used just about every four-letter word there is. Profanity like I've never heard it before. And you know what? It was just about the most refreshing thing I've heard in a long time!! You know why? Because it meant that I was intentionally placing myself around others who aren't in "the bubble." And you know what else? I think Jesus spent a good bit of time out of His "bubble." As a matter of fact, He left heaven to come to earth. If that isn't leaving your "bubble", then I don't know what is!!!

Hear me out. I don't say this to be judgmental about those who use foul language. I say all of this as an indictment upon myself for being too satisfied to live in a bubble for so long. I say this as an indictment on anyone who's unwilling to leave their bubble for the sake of leading someone to Jesus. He's the One who left His bubble to save and forgive you and me (lot's of bubbles here).

So .... besides watching a sketchy movie or overhearing someone else's conversation, have you heard the refreshing sound of profanity lately? Have you been refreshingly uncomfortable in your surroundings? Have you left your bubble?

If not, find a needle, pop that bubble, and get going!!!

1 comment:

  1. Bryan,
    Yes, living in a "church culture" mostly around our church friends, especially in the Bible belt gives a Christian a tainted view of the real world in which we live. Jesus did impact His real world by living around people like Zac, Mary M. and many others, not of the religious culture of His day. The real key here is that He impactd positively His culture without becoming a part of the culture. The real trick in the west is being in the world but not of the world, i.e., being friends with the spiritually needy without letting their habits rub off on you. The real key to successfully overcoming this tension with the world is your daily private time with Jesus in prayer and in His Word! Let Him feed you daily and put on the full armor of God before you enter the real world.
