Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas Priorities

December just snuck up on me! A favorite Christmas song says, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!” I think the song should say, “It’s the most busiest time of the year.” When it comes to Christmas, life gets crazy!! There are parades, rehearsals, parties, family get-togethers, presents to buy, trips to make, and terrible fruitcake to eat (some of you will visit some fruitcakes!!). At Christmas time, life speeds up from 5mph to 100mph.

My life is a constant struggle with “things to do.” Those who know me well can tell you that I keep a current list of things to do on my office desk. As a matter of fact, I think it has grown to be another limb on my body. Today there are 55 “things to do” on my list and the list will grow as the week continues. As I write this, I am reminded of what my priorities should be. Have I spent quality time alone with God? Have I spent quality time with my wife? Have I loved people? Have I spent time working on the gifts that God has given me?

Isn’t it strange how our “top priorities” get pushed aside for things that don’t really matter? It’s sad to think about how we let the urgent matters of life to come before the important matters of life. I read a quote in college that has stuck to me this day. It says, “If what you’re doing now won’t matter in five years, it probably isn’t worth doing at all.”

As the Christmas season begins, remember that Jesus said, Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well (Matt. 6:33, NIV).

For more practical help with getting your priorities in order, check out http://www.marin.edu/~don/study/5time.html

Lessons From A Broken Down Trailer

A couple of years ago, I saw something outrageously funny (true story). I was riding down the highway and just as I approached my exit, I noticed a horse trailer on the right hand side of the road. The closer I got, I noticed that the trailer was stacked up to the top with tires. I mean a lot of tires!!!

Now, can you even guess why this trailer was on the side of the road? Yep – you got it ….. a flat tire!! Now I don’t know about you, but I think that’s absolutely hilarious! I thought to myself, “With all of those tires that were available, why in the world didn’t he change the old tire that was bad?” Here's what I learned about change:

  1. Change is necessary unless you want to wreck or be stranded on the side of the road.
  2. Change will cost us something every time. It may be time, effort, money, comfort, and even other opportunities. Whoever owned the trailer must have had some reason for procrastinating and not changing that tire. Maybe it was because he was too busy washing his truck. I don’t know, but a nice clean truck still won’t do a good job hauling a trailer with a flat tire.
  3. One change isn't enough. Changing one tire is never enough. In reality, new tires will eventually become old tires.
  4. We must constantly monitor our need for change. We ought to be looking out for “thinning tires.” A good tire today may not be a good tire tomorrow.
  5. Change gets us where we need to go. It keeps us on the road longer, straighter, and safer. Knowing that you have freshly changed tires can even give you a sense of stability. 
So anyway, that’s both funny and ironic but yet it really helped me to understand the need for change. Now …. let’s go check our tires!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

IT Is Coming!!!

It happens at the end of every year. Sometimes you look forward to it. Sometimes you dread it. Sometimes you stay up late waiting for it to come. Sometimes you’re ready for it. Sometimes you’re not. For some, it’s a chance at new beginnings. For others, it’s just another “whoopty-do.”

Can you guess what “it” is?  “It” is the New Year and as we used to say as kids, “Ready or not, here I come!” Whatever your feelings are towards a new year, only a few precious days remain until a brand new year of opportunities arrives.

Question #1: How is your life going to be different in 2011? Chances are that you haven’t even thought about it right???

Question #2: Are you seriously going to walk into it without plans for your life? Come on now . . . seriously! I’m not just talking about “resolutions.” I’m talking about the things that will matter in eternity that can only be accomplished in 2011 and can only be accomplished in your life. How is your spiritual life going to improve? Family life? Physical life? Financial life? Personal life? Church life?

I triple-dog dare you to go write some goals for your life. Go write down what you want to see God do in these areas of your life and review them regularly in 2011. Look at them every day! I bet you won’t do it!

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed” (Prov. 16:3).