Tuesday, August 9, 2011

1st CHURCH180 Worship Experience

We're officially at the "EXCITED!" stage! What has been over a year process is quickly arriving faster than the speed of light! We're preparing for our very first public worship experience for the people of the Montrose area. 

Our very first service will be October 9th at 6:00pm. Here's just a little about our upcoming services:

  1. We'll focus on Jesus.
  2. Everyone is welcome. (Yes . . .  we do mean EVERYONE!)
  3. It won't be boring!
  4. We'll meet at the Montrose Aquatic Center (25 Colorado Ave, Montrose, CO 81401). 
  5. We'll meet initially on the second Sunday night of each month at 6pm. 
Why Sunday nights? Many families in the Montrose area go off for the weekends and others work on Sunday mornings and afternoons. We hope a Sunday night format will be the best time for most people. 

Why monthly? We'll eventually "Launch" into a regular weekly schedule in the spring of 2012 but in the meantime, we'll focus on building momentum steadily. In between each monthly worship experience, we'll have a "Comeback Event" where we get together informally and just have fun hanging out. Starting off with weekly worship experiences from the beginning is a lot to undertake! 

If you'd like to be a part of the start-up team, click HERE to learn more.

Hope to see you there! 

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