Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Reflections On The Last 5 Years

Over the last 5 years, I've been on staff at First Baptist Church Saltillo, MS as the Worship Pastor. As of last Sunday, I have officially finished my service there to begin planting a church in Montrose, CO called CHURCH180. Here are just some brief reflections on these 5 years of ministry at FBCS and how God has used these years in my life:
  1. God has grown me more here in my ministry life and personal life more than any other place of service. 
  2. As a general rule, "church people" are much kinder and nicer than sometimes given credit for. Over the years, I've saved "nice emails" which totaled around 104 and "nasty emails" which totaled around 12.
  3. When people disagree with me, I shouldn't take it personally. Disagreements can be some of the most powerful learning tools in life.
  4. When you leave a place of service, you really don't leave 100%. You will always leave a piece of your heart and hopefully a piece of your legacy.
  5. God is always preparing you for the "next thing." That may be staying right where you are but stepping it up a notch but it may be a new calling. Learn to listen to what the "next thing" is that God has for you. Prepare for it and don't waste time!
  6. It's easy to say nice and meaningful things to people when you're leaving. Things like "I love you" and "You've meant a lot to me" and Thank you for what you've done" should never be limited to our departing language. These types of phrases should always be on our lips.
Thanks to all of my friends at FBCS. God has used you in my life and I love you!


  1. Brian, I have not really "known" you for long, but, I have seen God in you..that will carry you a long way. Bless you and your family and all that you are doing.

  2. Thank you so much for the encouragement! If there's anything good in me, it's as you've said . . . God and not me.
